Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A new bailout bill is being worked on. They're putting lipstick on a pig. Is it still a pig?

sure, and I don't think American's will be happy with this bailout going to banks any way they work itA new bailout bill is being worked on. They're putting lipstick on a pig. Is it still a pig?
Still a pig. The banking industry has one two groups to blame - the Congressional Banking Committee for writing insane lending regulations (See Dodd and Frank) and themselves.

Free market means taking the good with the bad. How can we expect government to stay away from our profits if we rely on government to bail us out of our mistakes. A new bailout bill is being worked on. They're putting lipstick on a pig. Is it still a pig?
My principles say it is. Where are the pollsters on the issue of how much effect the constant ravings of the politicians and the media have on our economy?
The Republicans in Congress just need a little more time to make sure all the right money goes into all the right pockets. Michael Moore is right - this is the largest theft in history.
I just went out to the hog lot, put lip stick on a pig, and pinched it.

It still oinked.
when you put a turd between two slices of bread it becomes a sh!t sandwich and thats what democrats are trying to hand us.
Perhaps it's not a pig after all. Could be a skunk.
yes. It's a terrible bill made to make Dems on wall street richer.
I'm just glad they didn't pass it right away like Bushie and Johnny Mac wanted them to...
Sure it is but only In the heads of the feeble-minded. Are YOU feeble-minded?
An ugly one at that!
yes she is
awwww, wasnt that clever
Yes Mr.President. And my I add that I voted for you.

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